Angular Development Company

«Red chameleon» agency offers you high-quality Angular development services. We are a dedicated team of certified specialists that provides a full stack of services using one of the most popular Javascript frameworks – AngularJS. We will find the best solution for your business and help to expand your opportunities.

Why should you choose Angular development for your project

Wide opportunities

Angular provides enormous opportunities for your business due to its complex structure and large number of structural elements. Thanks to Angular features, you will get exactly the project you need.


Angular has a sizeable official library that will help developers make your application's functionality without using third-party libraries and services. This fact provides your app with reliable security.


You will get all the functions out of the box. So, you don't have to think long and hard about which resources you should use to add certain features to your project.

Clean code

Angular is built using TypeScript. It helps to quickly correct errors in the code and significantly reduces the time for developing large-scale projects.

Fast application

AngularJS is one of the most lightweight Javascript frameworks. There is no matter what project will you choose: a single-page, simple application or a full-fledged online store, a rapid Angular website is available in both cases.


Almost any project can be created in Angular because it is multiplatform and scalable. All you need is to find a dedicated firm and outsource your projects. Then you will be sure that your app will play in different browsers and operating systems.

AngularJS development services

The time of web applications written exclusively in HTML has long passed. AngularJS extends the functions and benefits of your website, application, or software. This robust and open-source framework can change how you think about web development.

Angular Web Application Development

Our professional developers have a significant experience in web development. We create unique projects with custom design and vast opportunities from scratch. Desktop apps from our team always impress even the most demanding customers.

Angular Mobile App Development

AngularJS technology is one of the best solutions for developing cross-platform mobile apps. There is no matter if your client uses Android or IOS software, your application will play on his device and increase your income.

Angular Single-Page Application Development

AngularJS is a modern development tool that allows the creation of a feature-rich and fast application in a short time. Such a solution will help to develop your business quickly and will not significantly affect your budget simultaneously.

Angular Software Development

In case you need custom software, we can create it using Angular. Our programmers have expertise in developing uncommon projects with clear code and great functionality.

Angular eCommerce Development

If you want to start online trading or transfer your offline store to the Internet, our services are suitable for you. We use only the newest technologies and follow the latest trends in eCommerce development.

Angular Maintenance and Support Services

Our dedicated outsourcing agency maintains and supports mobile and web applications. Due to our services, your app will always work correctly and be updated according to the latest technologies and requirements.

AngularJS development stages

Customer application

You discuss your future project with our project manager, express your wishes, and offer solutions. Our project manager represents his point of view and provides advice.

Formation of the technical task

We form a technical task, choose specialists who will be involved in the project, and speak about all the details with them. Our team discusses your order and all possible options.


Our experts implement all technical tasks and record them in the CRM system to which the client has access. So you can control the execution process and timely make corrections and wishes.


We are an honest and legitimate company, so after the work completion, you receive a full report with an hourly description of completed tasks.

Benefits of dedicated Angular development team

The «Red chameleon» web agency team always provides only high-quality development and support services. That is why our clients have been working with us for many years and recommending us to their friends.

Significant experience

All our developers have expertise in creating complex and versatile web projects and mobile apps. Each of our specialists regularly takes advanced training courses and monitors development tools and techniques updates.

A fair and fixed price

All our work is based on an hourly payment. You only pay for the time spent developing your project. Before starting work, we evaluate your project and announce the development cost at the stage of the formation of technical specifications.

Always in touch

Our project managers are always in touch with the client, so all your wishes and ideas will be heard and implemented. After completing each stage of work, you will receive a full report on the work performed.

Multilingual development

We have experience in developing various projects for different regions and languages. It is not a problem if you want to offer your services or sell goods in several countries. We will deploy the interface that will be convenient for users from different states.
Let's discuss your project


What is Angular in web development?

Angular is an open-source Javascript framework developed by Google. It earned its popularity due to its user-friendly interface, support for MVC architecture, and code simplicity.

How to develop an Angular application?
Is it possible to provide frontend development using AngularJS?
Why should you choose Angular for mobile app development?